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Small Island, Big Picture
Winters of Solitude Teach an Artist to See
| Since the 1600’s the Isles of Shoals have hosted a variety of communities; rugged fishing villages, grand nineteenth century hotels, marine research facilities, and the summer conferences of today. But in winter, the Shoals are deserted. That’s when Alexandra de Steiguer arrives. Alone, she keeps watch over the buildings and grounds and natural elements – the winter caretaker. With every historic structure boarded up, the island’s rich history is veiled. And though buttressed against harsh weather and relentless winds, the islands remain timeless and inspiring to the single human witness that remains. From this place – a smattering of small islands situated in the north Atlantic, miles from the mainland – Alexandra draws on sixteen winters of virtual solitude to produce this volume. In it, she asks, “Can life itself be a work of art – a rewarding product of creativity, reflection and inspiration?” First Edition, 2nd printing, hardcover, 128 pages, 9-1/2" x 11-1/4" After months of printing problems, I finally decided to work with Brilliant Graphics, and checked every single page as it was masterfully printed. All you kind people that have been patiently waiting should now have your books in hand!! Thanks everyone for your patience - I think it was worth it. | ,
With sixty-nine stirring black and white photographs that give voice to this rugged setting, her stories and reflections tell of how she learned to live in a very small place. Even while embracing solitude, she learned to value the connections between herself and the wider world. In Small Island, Big Picture, Alex shares with us the power of living in amazement of those connections, of loving the mystery of the unknown, and of re-examining what we think we know about ourselves. Though graced with beautiful images, hand-printed by the author in a traditional darkroom and then scanned for quality duotone, offset printing, this is far more than a coffee-table art book. Rather, it is a small wonder of insights to be revisited again and again.
Praise for "Small Island, Big Picture"
“Alexandra’s photographs touch realms of silence and solitude, and her well chosen words and thoughts fill the interstices to complete and compliment those remote spaces. The photographs are things of beauty and reflect the haunting places and spaces wherein she dwells.”
Paul Caponigro
Cushing, Maine |
"Like the wind that shapes the buildings and natural growth on the Isles of Shoals, Alexandra de Steiguer’s luminous photographs and perceptive observations indelibly etch these desolate but beautiful islands in our minds. The power of de Steiguer’s magic is such that even without visiting we may experience the islands’ untamed nature, majestic isolation, and silent endurance."
Rachel Rosenfield Lafo
Independent Curator and
Former Director of Curatorial Affairs,
DeCordova Sculpture Park + Museum |
"Alexandra de Steiguer's photographic eye is as lovely as the islands she shares with us. I was reminded of not only the Shoals' beauty, but of the twinned terror and anticipation of arriving there in my old wooden boat: safe harbor and treacherous rock. I wish I'd gone there first with Alexandra.”
Joe Coomer
Author, Pocket Full of Names |